Private Chat Packet Sanitizer

Applications/Tools written to make running DarkStar easier for the rest of us.
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Private Chat Packet Sanitizer

Post by bluekirby0 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:19 pm

For folks wishing to provide packet captures related to crashes, this tool will allow you to clean the chat text from 0x17 (incoming /tell) and 0xB5 (outgoing /tell) packets. It is written in python and by default will remove the text, but not the names. It will clean all relevant packets in a sub-folder named "data". The behavior is somewhat customizable, and it can be configured to clean up names, or use any path you specify.

I provide a windows binary and python source. If you have python installed, just use the source version directly.
Python source. Can be executed directly and includes a setup file for compilation with py2exe.
(1.05 KiB) Downloaded 287 times
Windows binary for people without python installed.
(1.87 MiB) Downloaded 307 times

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