Did you do any work on the elevators and doors while you were down there fixing the Ix/Jailers, since half of them are blocked off by the broken transport/zone
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.
i know this is an old post, but curious were you able to get SEA functional, like nms/jailors? Also if so, what about the CoP missions to actually be able to get sea access, our server seems to not have three paths implemented.
The pop scripts are there. The CoP missions were never finished, and something's pretty wrong with the mission packet for that. The core team tries to focus on RotZ-ish content and basic functionality so we can get a solid foundation to work from, rather than building a house of cards.
Isn't hard to open sea access on a private server. Just remove the key item check at the gate.