3d zone models

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3d zone models

Post by phase6 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:05 pm

Hello, I've been working on ripping some of the zones just for fun, and was wondering if they would help the DarkStar Project at all? I know in creating private servers monster movement is usually a problem. I just don't know if it was due to not having the spatial information of the environment or an AI issue. Anyway I'll attach a completed rip of West Ronfaure so people can look it over and see if it'll be helpful. It's in *.obj format.
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Re: 3d zone models

Post by whasf » Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:01 pm

Yes that would be awesome. If you could get in contact with Lautan he is working on the collision aspect.
-- Whasf

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by phase6 » Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:19 pm

Since this seems like it would be helpful I think it would good for me to explain how I did it, and see if it would be improved upon, and so others can do it as well since there are around 219 zones. (not counting the new SoA expansion)

I use basically 3 programs: ffxitool2.exe from the jp ffxitool set of programs, 3d ripper dx, and blender.

I set up 3d ripper dx to open ffxitool2. Then once I launch the program I find a good location to capture a model I then rotate the camera so that it shows Vec=90 or some other right angled vector. I found that once I capture something at a particular angle I have to take all other captures at that same angle or it distorts the capture and the models won't line up (3d ripper dx only captures visible meshes). I also hold ctrl when capturing because for some reason it won't show some objects without it at times, even though ctrl in the program states its only for fast movement. The reason I take captures at 90 degree angles is 3d ripper dx squishes the model in the direction you are facing so if it's at a 90 degree angle once you open it in blender it's easy to fix. 3d ripper dx is capable of exporting the captures in OBJ format.

After I've got the OBJ file for a zone I open it in blender and adjust the scale. I found that if the capture is taken at a 90 degree angle only one axis is squashed and I adjust it to 2.5 times the other axis. For example I usually capture at a 90 degree angle and after importing the OBJ file in blender I scale it to x=0.0025 y=0.00625 z=0.0025. That does 2 things. The first is to scale the object down in blender because they are huge when you import them, and the second is to fix the squashed mesh.

After that I take multiple captures and snap them together to build up a complete model. I also have to rotate and mirror the models to match the maps in FFXI. I usually do that last once I have the completed zone.

One question I have is 3d ripper dx rips the models as multiple objects within the file and I usually join all the obects together for easy manipulation and snapping. However, all the trees and fences and campfires etc. are all joined as well and would be difficult to separate again does that matter?

I am far from a pro at blender / modeling so any suggestions or improvements are always helpful and appreciated.

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by Metalfiiish » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:50 am

Whasf can you sticky this so we don't lose it?

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by diatanato » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:27 am

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by idlemind » Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:36 am

diatanato that is a sweet link. Is that what is being thought about as a way to implement navigation for our NPCs?

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by gedads » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:05 am

I think that's perfect for npcs in jeuno, adoulin or quasiluminn for PM 8-1 which are walking along a predeterminate path but i don't think it's good for mobs since they're not following a pattern or way already traced, they're moving randomly. Unless it allows random roaming through a zone i may have missed that info.
makes me think of amalteia mob, all rams on their own way wandering in their area linking and coming to amalteia across the zone killing everything they encounter.

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by kjLotus » Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:18 am

gedads wrote:Hello,
I think that's perfect for npcs in jeuno, adoulin or quasiluminn for PM 8-1 which are walking along a predeterminate path but i don't think it's good for mobs since they're not following a pattern or way already traced, they're moving randomly. Unless it allows random roaming through a zone i may have missed that info.
makes me think of amalteia mob, all rams on their own way wandering in their area linking and coming to amalteia across the zone killing everything they encounter.
it mentions coming with detour: "Recast is accompanied with Detour, path-finding and spatial reasoning toolkit"

nps moving in jeuno we can already do with just a sequence of moveTos.

i'll try to find some time to play around with this

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by lautan » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:54 pm

I was planning on using recast for pathfinding and collision. I already ran it by bluekirby and he's cool with it.

That map export looks pretty awesome. I'm working on a map exporting program myself, which will be much easier than your solution. I don't care too much which method we use but we need a way to automate map exporting (I don't want to go through 200 maps manually). My map exporter is almost done but your work will definitely come in handy.

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Re: 3d zone models

Post by gedads » Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:42 pm


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