Quadruple Attack:
Job Trait Overview
Game Description: Occasionally attacks four times.
Job Traits are always active.
Further Notes:
This trait is only accessible while equipped with a Twilight Knife, Ganesha's Mala, Windbuffet Belt, or Thaumas Coat.
Occassionally causes character to attack four times in a single round.
Quadruple attack from Twilight Knife is 3%, from Ganesha's Mala is 2%, and from Windbuffet Belt is 1%.
The set bonus from Raider's Attire Set +2 can activate on Quadruple Attack and triple the damage of the 2nd/3rd/4th attack.
Resource: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Quadruple_Attack
THF Gear set abilities missed
Re: THF Gear set abilities missed
Lacrima thank you for the post 
Just an FYI the devs are working to cleanup and close existing bugs before they consider new code. I haven't checked to see if anything is sketched out for Quadruple Attack yet. I do know the focus of the project is Rise of the Zilart and before with everything else being worked on either by less active/experienced developers like myself or possibly yourself until they feel they have reached there milestone.
Just want to set your expectations so you're not like WTF mate I told you about this X months ago...

Just an FYI the devs are working to cleanup and close existing bugs before they consider new code. I haven't checked to see if anything is sketched out for Quadruple Attack yet. I do know the focus of the project is Rise of the Zilart and before with everything else being worked on either by less active/experienced developers like myself or possibly yourself until they feel they have reached there milestone.
Just want to set your expectations so you're not like WTF mate I told you about this X months ago...