Getting errors in my Game Server, well, warnings, but an error at the end about conquest.lua:1164 attempt to index a nil value
As for the others, they are "Warnings" about NPC's that don't exist from SetFieldManual.
GetNPCByID Error
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Re: GetNPCByID Error
Usually get those errors after a retail update as they shift NPC IDs and Text IDs.
Scripts that use GetNPCByID() and SQL tables for elevators need updating to use the new IDs instead of the IDs pre-update.
Scripts that use GetNPCByID() and SQL tables for elevators need updating to use the new IDs instead of the IDs pre-update.
Click here for a guide on scripting missions.<Giblet[NewBrain]> kj with this first step would be fine on my shit
Re: GetNPCByID Error
Gotcha. I update from DSP almost daily. Whenever the server crashes, I log into the VPS in the morning and PULL from GIT. So I tend to test everything pretty regularly. But maybe it will be fixed near future, it wasn't happening til the pull this morning.