Okay, here is an interesting issue I've been having. I performed a fresh install and built the three servers from Visual Studio with no errors. I then ran the servers and once I started the Game server it spit out 1125 lines of errors about different loadMOBList PMaster is Null. masterid: XXXXXXXX (1125 different items). Did a search on the forums, and it could be that those monsters haven't been programmed, okay.
Then I connected to the Connect server, created an account, launched, connected to the Game server and made a character.. all normal. Once I got into the game there were no NPCs in town, I was getting lonely so I went outside hoping to see if I can experience the outside world, but there was nothing to talk to or fight... just the grass, trees, and mountains to keep me company. Maybe 1125 monsters is kinda high.
So then I used @zone commands to view 10 more zones, 101 (E Ronfaure), 110 (B.Glacier), 122 (Ro'Maeve), 142 (Yughott Grotto), 143 (Palborough Mines), 99, (Castle O -S), 98 (S.Champaign S), 11 (Oldton Movalpolos), 79 (Caedarva Mire), and 84 (Batallia Downs -s). And no matter where I went I found no one..so alone...
Build is on Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit using the latest github master at Latest commit 32a15a1 (15 hours ago).
Fresh install, no NPCs or Monsters found in game.
Re: Fresh install, no NPCs or Monsters found in game.
So, you have the latest server. Did you make sure your client was updated?
Re: Fresh install, no NPCs or Monsters found in game.
Yes, game version 30170204_1
Re: Fresh install, no NPCs or Monsters found in game.
it spit out 1125 lines of errors about different loadMOBList PMaster is Null.
Something went messed up building your database.Once I got into the game there were no NPCs in town
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Fresh install, no NPCs or Monsters found in game.
Okay I'll look at rebuilding the database.