External Connection Issue

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External Connection Issue

Post by kinetyk » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:34 pm


ATM I am able to run a local based server. I can connect to it on both the laptop running and another on the same network. I am using windower on both successfully (windows 10 on both systems). However, when I try to attempt an external IP, it fails. Both on the running laptop, extra laptop on the same network, and extra laptop on a different network. Every instance of xiloader says "Failed to connect" and closes. I have changed the windower --server settings to other servers IPs listed on the wiki. I connected fine with the extra laptop, so the problem is server side it seems.

To my knowledge, there should only be 2 differences between a local and external server:

1 - the windower --server option to direct xiloader
2 - Configuring the ZoneIP for map server (as listed below on the wiki)

https://wiki.dspt.info/index.php/Buildi ... Map_Server

Am I missing another place to change the IP? Is it possible to be a port forwarding issue? I believe I opened/forwarded the ports properly. However would that affect both local/eternal server or just external? I searched the forums for other situations like mine but I couldn't find one that helped me resolve my issue.

Also, if I wish to switch between a local and external IP, must I rebuild the server after using navcat to configure the zone IPs?

If it helps, currently to connect my server is using (just posting this cause whatever lol) and am attempting my external ip of XXX.XXX.XXX.XX.

Thanks for any input!
Last edited by kinetyk on Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: External Connection Issue

Post by whasf » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:43 pm

When you changed the zoneIP, did you restart the connect and game servers? Other than that, it may be a port forwarding issue on your router.
-- Whasf

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Re: External Connection Issue

Post by kjLotus » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:53 pm

did you use --hairpin in your windower options?

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Re: External Connection Issue

Post by kinetyk » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:58 pm

whasf wrote:When you changed the zoneIP, did you restart the connect and game servers? Other than that, it may be a port forwarding issue on your router.
Yes I did reset.
kjLotus wrote:did you use --hairpin in your windower options?
This I did not do. Can you give me an example of where/how to do it? My current windower settings are as such:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<profile name="">
<profile name="Server">
<args>--server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX </args>

EDIT: Ok I answered a few of my own questions after researching a bit. I have added --hairpin to the line:
<args>--server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX --hairpin</args>
and still have no results. :/

EDIT 2: SOLVED! Tinkered with my ports and all is well.

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