Gedads Mob Spawns altered format

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Gedads Mob Spawns altered format

Post by compmike19 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:30 pm

Here are Gedads mob spawn points in a more pleasing SQL format I adjusted most of the Names to have the underscore separating them and replicated for the most part the same format that was originally in the mob_spawn_points SQL - took forever!

Example - Gedads
INSERT INTO `mob_spawn_points` VALUES (17137687, 'OrnerySheep', '3966', 593.451, -0.977, 479.028,223);

converted to
INSERT INTO `mob_spawn_points` VALUES ('17137687', 'Ornery_Sheep', '3966', '593.451', '-0.977', '479.028', '223');
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