The DSP Control app I created should change the login file automatically.
To light them up on login, you need to go here in the login_darkstart.conf:
Code: Select all
#Expansion Icons - 2 Bytes
#Byte 1 - Zilart to A Shantotto Ascension
#00000000 Bit0 - Not Used - Original FFXI bit
#00000010 Bit1 - Enables Rise of Zilart Icon
#00000100 Bit2 - Enables Chains of Promathia Icon
#00001000 Bit3 - Enables Treasures of Aht Urhgan Icon
#00010000 Bit4 - Enables Wings of The Goddess
#00100000 Bit5 - Enables A Crystalline Prophecy Icon
#01000000 Bit6 - Enables A Moogle Kupod'Etat Icon
#10000000 Bit7 - Enables A Shantotto Ascension Icon
#Byte 2 - Vision of Abyssea to Seekers of Adoulin
#00000001 Bit0 - Enables Vision of Abyssea
#00000010 Bit1 - Enables Scars of Abyssea
#00000100 Bit2 - Enables Heroes of Abyssea
#00001000 Bit3 - Enables Seekers of Adoulin
#00010000 Bit4 - Not Used - Future expansion
#00100000 Bit5 - Not Used - Future expansion
#01000000 Bit6 - Not Used - Future expansion
#10000000 Bit7 - Not Used - Future expansion
expansions: 2
This expansions should be set to 4094.
The DSP Control will allow you to select which expansions to enable, and then automatically set the expansions to the correct value.
I am in the middle of redoing it to make settings easier to change and apply, since I don't like the way I first made the different forms. But for now, what you need to do is:
Step 1: Select the Expansions settings:
Here is the expansions selector:

- Step 2.jpg (39.31 KiB) Viewed 11378 times
Select the expansions you want to use. If you select them all, then all the lights will light up in the client. The red outlined ones are the expansion and addon selection. The other settings are for expansion specific things (Like CoP battle caps):

- Step 3.JPG (42.84 KiB) Viewed 11378 times
Please remember, my next release will completely change the configuration form layout, from, well, too many, to a single form with tabs to select your specific settings.