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[Resolved] Client cannot receive packet / Sending key

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:40 pm
by seffy
Okay, so, I finally got my server off the ground, I can access it just fine, but when it comes to accessing the server from other clients on the LAN, (with the hairpin fix) they can create characters but when they attempt to login in, the boot console prints "Sending key" and halts, whilst the map server console prints

"Client cannot receive packet or key is invalid"

Where am I going wrong here?

This isn't due to the character being improperly loaded, I can successfully log into these characters and log out of them post-creation from the client on my host.

Any advice?

Edit: This was due to an improperly set IP address

Re: [Error] Client cannot receive packet / Sending key

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:50 pm
by whasf
Kill the client, let the character time out from the server, then login again and they should be fine. sounds like you are using an old pol.exe ?

Re: [Error] Client cannot receive packet / Sending key

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:40 am
by seffy
No, it turned out I had a single IP setting wrong somewhere. *facepalms*