A few things of note:
1. Use the command in the following syntax: @tomob 'mobnamehere' (ex. @tomob kirin)
2. It uses nicknames (ex. @tomob JoL == @tomob Jailer of Love). Modify the nicknames to your liking.
3. If you misspell a name, or forget the name entirely, the script will attempt to compare the first two letters and produce search suggestions.
4. You may use uppercase or all lowercase letters, it doesn't matter.
5. If the mob is spawned, you'll warp directly to it.
6. If the mob is not spawned, you'll go to its spawn position as indicated in mob_spawn_points.sql.
7. Command is set for Level 5 GM's. To make available to all players, set 'permission = 5' to 'permission = 1'.
This can also be modified for NPC's, zones, places of interest, etc.
Scipt will probably look like garbage using the code tags. My IDE is set for Arial font with 4 spaces per tab, so looks good in the editor.
Code: Select all
-- Function: @tomob
-- Description: Warps GM to particular mob by short name or nickname
-- Author: Avatarati
cmdprops =
permission = 5,
parameters = "s"
function onTrigger( player, mobName )
if ( string.len( mobName ) < 2 ) then --At least two letters are needed for mobName
player:PrintToPlayer("Mob name must be at least two characters in length.", 0xD)
mobName = string.lower( mobName ) --CaN InPuT WhAtEvEr CaSe, will lowercase anyway
local list = {
--These are my perferred nicknames, can change to your liking (no spaces)
[ 1 ] = { "tiamat",16806227,-515.011,-12.732,-78.101,50,7 },
[ 2 ] = { "xolotl",16806215,-565.482,-4.459,203.424,241,7 },
[ 3 ] = { "punisher",17395800,-223,1,119,127,151 },
[ 4 ] = { "gallant",17395870,58,1,-120,127,151 },
[ 5 ] = { "highpriest",17396127,-106,-72,96,127,151 },
[ 6 ] = { "manifest",17396137,-99,-72,93,127,151 },
[ 7 ] = { "serket",17596720,-155,19,244,28,200 },
[ 8 ] = { "headhunter",17142249,299.625,-48.281,103.555,7,147 },
[ 9 ] = { "gascon",-202,-2,110,69,147 },
[ 10 ] = { "adamantking",17379551,281,43,96,127,148 },
[ 11 ] = { "simmy",17228242,-681,-31,-447,127,110 },
[ 12 ] = { "charby",17498522,-152,48,-328,127,176 },
[ 13 ] = { "sandcomber",17498199,16,-0.5,120,127,176 },
[ 14 ] = { "shoreleaper",17498516,-243,41,-298,127,176 },
[ 15 ] = { "vilma",17281358,42,9,245,127,123 },
[ 16 ] = { "rosegarden",17281357,50,10,245,127,123 },
[ 17 ] = { "hakutaku",17433005,24,25,-306,121,160 },
[ 18 ] = { "tracker",17433001,-167.336,15.851,-120.259,100,160 },
[ 19 ] = { "bombqueen",17617158,14.682,20.058,-104.121,0,205 },
[ 20 ] = { "oramix",17617062,-111.470,3.764,141.784,0,205 },
[ 21 ] = { "sozu",17428554,94.330,0,-14.457,127,159 },
[ 22 ] = { "nue",17231971,-313.911,-100.308,147.196,127,111 },
[ 23 ] = { "gargantua",17232079,348,-0.5,17,127,111 },
[ 24 ] = { "cassie",17613130,-77.43,0.462,164.529,145,204 },
[ 25 ] = { "goliath",17613046,-165.4,-0.098,189.481,187,204 },
[ 26 ] = { "northshadow",17613103,-162.0,-15.0,154.0,213,204 },
[ 27 ] = { "eastshadow",17613110,-92.12,-16.52,160.277,37,204 },
[ 28 ] = { "westshadow",17613096,-206.6,-16.19,111.260,202,204 },
[ 29 ] = { "southshadow",17613121,-164.6,-16.01,77.191,169,204 },
[ 30 ] = { "culberry",16814432,-271.214,31.838,260.258,127,9 },
[ 31 ] = { "geyser",17559558,-363,3,-69,127,191 },
[ 32 ] = { "morion",17486190,255.652,-6.039,20.878,0,173 },
[ 33 ] = { "sophie",17211537,234.104,-40.332,462.288,127,106 },
[ 34 ] = { "crimsonarmor",17363305,20.433,-31.675,-97.176,127,143 },
[ 35 ] = { "lizzy",17215868,-283.760,21.444,-412.182,127,107 },
[ 36 ] = { "carnero",17215613,160.748,-40.01,-423.153,83,107 },
[ 37 ] = { "helldiver",17260907,475,-0.5,-240,127,118 },
[ 38 ] = { "onzozo",17649731,-44,14,-58,73,213 },
[ 39 ] = { "mysticmaker",17649693,124.811,-0.363,-100.604,115,213 },
[ 40 ] = { "ose",17649822,17,4,152,113,213 },
[ 41 ] = { "argus",17588674,233,20,-71,127,198 },
[ 42 ] = { "rapido",17244539,-43.733,0.029,-205.890,66,114 },
[ 43 ] = { "dunewidow",17244396,-124.890,-8.576,32.533,64,114 },
[ 44 ] = { "vinegar",17289575,-239,-0.226,-650,11,125 },
[ 45 ] = { "aquarius",17404000,165.93,9.344,-56.348,51,153 },
[ 46 ] = { "vivian",17404331,-208.7,5.276,203.289,56,153 },
[ 47 ] = { "fafnir",17408018,78,6,39,127,154 },
[ 48 ] = { "shikigami",17277127,-40,-4,-36,127, 122 },
[ 49 ] = { "halidom",17272978,312,-0.5,159,127,121 },
[ 50 ] = { "av",16912876,461.266,-1.643,-580.192,4,33 },
[ 51 ] = { "joh",16912838,-683.592,-0.5,-61.571,233,33 },
[ 52 ] = { "joj",16912839,-279.194,-0.5,-465.362,246,33 },
[ 53 ] = { "jop",16912846,706.114,-1.021,24.110,85,33 },
[ 54 ] = { "jol",16912848,437.760,-1.643,-598.571,4,33 },
[ 55 ] = { "jofaith",16921021,-272.831,-0.5,-703.309,66,35 },
[ 56 ] = { "jofort",16921015,-434.1,-0.5,697.849,190,35 },
[ 57 ] = { "ixdrk",16921018,-590.082,-0.592,110.876,235,35 },
[ 58 ] = { "ixdrg",16921022,-347.931,-0.5,-377.922,147,35 },
[ 59 ] = { "ixmnk",16916815,112.783,-0.5,453.875,193,34 },
[ 60 ] = { "jot",16916814,-426.739,-0.5,687.728,140,34 },
[ 61 ] = { "lumberjack",17207308,-670,-23,352,127,105 },
[ 62 ] = { "dirtyhand",17387945,56.259,-12.073,-152.955,127,149 },
[ 63 ] = { "poisonhand",17125843,0,0,0,244,149 },
[ 64 ] = { "cwn",17576054,-395.612,-0.102,378.777,231,195 },
[ 65 ] = { "skullenvy",17575943,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 66 ] = { "skullgluttony",17575938,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 67 ] = { "skullgreed",17575939,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 68 ] = { "skulllust",17575941,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 69 ] = { "skullpride",17575942,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 70 ] = { "skullsloth",17575940,0,0,0,0,195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 71 ] = { "skullwrath",17575944,0,0,0,0, 195 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 72 ] = { "kingarthro",17203216,-144,5,474,93,104 },
[ 73 ] = { "overlord",17391803,220,-2,-108,67,150 },
[ 74 ] = { "kb",17297441,-267.469,-19.831,73.674,127,127 },
[ 75 ] = { "alky",17424480,-300,-175,22,64,158 },
[ 76 ] = { "mimas",17424419,-293.419,-144.07,53.648,127,158 },
[ 77 ] = { "pallas",17424444,-300,-159,21,127,158 },
[ 78 ] = { "ixtab",17424475,0,0,0,0,158 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 79 ] = { "sewersyrup",17461307,-20,1,-179,127,167 },
[ 80 ] = { "bigmouth",17191196,476,-30,-32,127,101 },
[ 81 ] = { "swamfisk",17191291,461,-6,-356,127,101 },
[ 82 ] = { "vrtra",17555890,228,7.134,-311,17,190 },
[ 83 ] = { "cherry",17555863,33,0.5,-287,127,190 },
[ 84 ] = { "jej",17187111,-281,-19,-220,127,100 },
[ 85 ] = { "ashmaker",17358932,11.669,-0.903,-22.245,127,142 },
[ 86 ] = { "spiny",17252657,270.957,-12.815,118.668,114, 116 },
[ 87 ] = { "ropipi",17252489,332,-13,-325,0,116 },
[ 88 ] = { "torrent",17371515,-50,1,-75,127,145 },
[ 89 ] = { "oni",17469587,-378.2,21.997,-15.414,16,169 },
[ 90 ] = { "brazenbones",17469747,169.27,8.0279,-110.58,223,169 },
[ 91 ] = { "bombking",17572094,0,0,0,127,194 },
[ 92 ] = { "legalox",17571873,0,0,0,0,194 },
[ 93 ] = { "tittat",17248468,139.943,-35.719,299.835,127,115 },
[ 94 ] = { "nun",17248517,-25,-15,385,127,115 },
[ 95 ] = { "leshy",16875762,-238,-16,244,0,24 },
[ 96 ] = { "megalo",16875741,-175.852,-7.811,22.823,60,24 },
[ 97 ] = { "padfoot",16875748,-141.523,-15.529,91.709,171,24 },
[ 98 ] = { "odqan",16879737,240.502,-23.726,303.277,44,25 },
[ 99 ] = { "minotaur",16887889,60,0.5,304,64,27 },
[ 100 ] = { "dobsonfly",16900230,-191.213,47.667,-833.249,1,30 },
[ 101 ] = { "shieldtrap",16900320,0,0,0,0,30 }, --MobID not found, placeholder element
[ 102 ] = { "unstable",16896155,307.5,-1.5,-706.5,186,29 },
[ 103 ] = { "imdugud",16896107,655.263,20.664,651.320,0,29 },
[ 104 ] = { "boroka",16896131,-360.140,-31.428,484.944,205,29 },
[ 105 ] = { "keremet",16892049,261,0.001,0.001,124,28 },
[ 106 ] = { "professor",16891970,106,-2.437,130.026,55,28 },
[ 107 ] = { "byakko",17309982,-410.488,-70.520,394.720,214,130 },
[ 108 ] = { "despot",17309954,-0.1,-42,-291,114,130 },
[ 109 ] = { "genbu",17309980,257,-70,517,118,130 },
[ 110 ] = { "suzy",17309983,-514.533,-70.520,-264.736,72,130 },
[ 111 ] = { "seiryu",17309981,569,-70,-80,76,130 },
[ 112 ] = { "faust",17506370,740,-0.463,-99,127,178 },
[ 113 ] = { "kirin",17506670,-76,32,-4,166,178 },
[ 114 ] = { "mg",17506396,855.947,-99.924,-578.291,127,178 },
[ 115 ] = { "olla",17506669,851,-1,92,113,178 },
[ 116 ] = { "ulli",17506418,739,-99,-581,195,178 },
[ 117 ] = { "bb",17502568,-1,-1,-283,63,177 },
[ 118 ] = { "sc",17502569,317,-1,361,65,177 },
[ 119 ] = { "zip",17502570,-195,-0.5,396,1,177 },
[ 120 ] = { "bifrons",17440969,-199,-52,-99,127,162 },
[ 121 ] = { "urvan",16798078,563.638,-35.719,110.362,0,5 },
[ 122 ] = { "jorm",16896160,-704.433,0.464,798.733,150,5 },
[ 123 ] = { "coney",16798079,404.04,-0.588,-445.810,72,5 },
[ 124 ] = { "kreutzet",17240413,207,8,1,79,113 },
[ 125 ] = { "frostmane",17240376,-281,-0.5,471,127,113 },
[ 126 ] = { "bune",17645578,72,-10,-170,119,212 },
[ 127 ] = { "ungur",17645755,-316,-9,3,5,212 },
[ 128 ] = { "amemet",17490016,102,-0.191,3,127,174 },
[ 129 ] = { "guivre",17490234,119,-0.01,38,127,174 },
[ 130 ] = { "phantom",17490233,76.943,29.916,118.854,0,174 },
[ 131 ] = { "yowie",17490204,25.841,20.252,71.875,83 ,174 },
[ 132 ] = { "aspid",17301538,19,0.089,14,117,128 },
[ 133 ] = { "aroma",17580341,0,0,0,0,196 },
[ 134 ] = { "straymary",17219795,-257.465,-15.805,-117.638,87,108 },
[ 135 ] = { "rampaging",17219886,160,24,121,0,108 },
[ 136 ] = { "lumbering",17195317,-216,-8,-107,3,102 },
[ 137 ] = { "morbolger",17568127,-99.08,-27.95,-219.33,184,193 },
[ 138 ] = { "goldenbat",17199564,-810.440,-8.270,33.978,127,103 },
[ 139 ] = { "ve",17199438,-211,-0.01,-34,39,103 },
[ 140 ] = { "medusa",16998862,-460,-20.5,460,32,54 },
[ 141 ] = { "experimentallamia",17101205,-773.369,-11.824,322.298,15,54 },
[ 142 ] = { "khimaira",17101201,842,-1,365,127,79 },
[ 143 ] = { "tyger",17101203,-766,-12,632,239,79 },
[ 144 ] = { "verdelet",17101202,417.02,-19.295,-69.990,63,79 },
[ 145 ] = { "paintorn",17101204,695.369,-7.147,527.646,42,79 },
[ 146 ] = { "achamoth",17031600,-13.17,9.699,339.540,229,62 },
[ 147 ] = { "bigbomb",17031401,-233.8,13.612,286.713,173,62 },
[ 148 ] = { "dextrose",17031598,-144,11,464,48,62 },
[ 149 ] = { "menacing",17031592,-59,-23,3,195,62 },
[ 150 ] = { "eruca",17027466,176.743,-14.210,-180.926,0,61 },
[ 151 ] = { "rabid",17027468,102.073,-14.899,-8.096,122,61 },
[ 152 ] = { "cerberus",17027458,316,-23,-84,127,61 },
[ 153 ] = { "claret",17027472,497,-9,52,248,61 },
[ 154 ] = { "anantaboga",17027473,-368.341,-13.742,366.448,58,61 },
[ 155 ] = { "brassborer",17027471,399.386,-27.022,120.479,245,61 },
[ 156 ] = { "sarameya",17027485,322.548,-14.706,-581.653,233,61 },
[ 157 ] = { "chigre",17056186,-217.5,34.866,13.689,122,68 },
[ 158 ] = { "nosferatu",17056157,-198.6,8.387,-60.832,207,68 },
[ 159 ] = { "pw",17056167,208.16,33.750,-138.61,90,68 },
[ 160 ] = { "chamrosh",17043887,206,14,-285,249 ,65 },
[ 161 ] = { "gulool",16973900,-91,2,57,1,65 },
[ 162 ] = { "iriri",17043888,-118,7,-80,193,65 },
[ 163 ] = { "redolent",16986430,-337,-31,676,162,51 },
[ 164 ] = { "hydra",16986355,-282,-24,-1,127,51 },
[ 165 ] = { "jody",16986378,-486,-7,-438,127,51 },
[ 166 ] = { "irizima",16986429,253,-23,116,245,51 },
[ 167 ] = { "tinnin",16986431,278,0.1,-703,176,51 },
[ 168 ] = { "vulpangue",16986428,-697,-7,-123,20,51 },
[ 169 ] = { "zoraal",16986197,208,-17,-93,127,51 },
[ 170 ] = { "armedgears",17072178,-19.957,-4.000,-182.656,188,72 },
[ 171 ] = { "cheesehoarder",17072172,-184.112,-8.105,24.555,26,72 },
[ 172 ] = { "ob",17072171,552.914,-0.112,-135.001,50,72 },
[ 173 ] = { "oupire",17072170,90,0.1,-100,0,72 },
[ 174 ] = { "dea",16990474,-34,-32,481,221,52 },
[ 175 ] = { "emergentelm",16990376,71,-33,627,127,52 },
[ 176 ] = { "lividroot",16990473,334,-10,184,129,52 },
[ 177 ] = { "sandworm",17109357,713,-59,402,247,88 },
[ 178 ] = { "ixion",17109367,236,-20,-323,114,81 }
local mob = nil
for key, value in ipairs( list ) do --Search for the mob name
if ( list[key][1] == mobName ) then --A match is found
mob = GetMobByID( list[key][2] ) --Is ID valid?
if ( mob:isSpawned(list[key][2] ) ) then --Is it already spawned?
player:setPos( mob:getXPos(), mob:getYPos(), mob:getZPos(), 0, mob:getZoneID() ); --Go to mob
player:setPos( list[key][3], list[key][4], list[key][5], list[key][6], list[key][7] ) --Go to mob default position
--Cannot find mob name, so let's offer suggestions
local possibilities = { } --Holds all possible matches
local x, z = 1, 1
--If first two characters of mobName match something in the table, let's make it a suggestion
--Could expand this to provide even better matches, but it's a small list
for key, value in ipairs(list) do
local tempName = list[key][1]
if ( tempName:sub( 1 , 1 ) == mobName:sub( 1, 1 ) ) then
if ( tempName:sub( 2 , 2 ) == mobName:sub( 2, 2 ) ) then
possibilities[x] = list[key][1]
x = x + 1
if ( possibilities[1] == nil ) then
player:PrintToPlayer("No mobs were found for your search term.", 0xD)
local grammar = "match exists"
if ( #possibilities > 1 ) then
grammar = "matches exist" --Grammatik macht frei
player:PrintToPlayer(string.format("That mob name was not found. However, %d possible %s:", ( #possibilities ), ( grammar ) ), 0xD)
repeat --Show all possibilities
player:PrintToPlayer(string.format(" %d : %s", ( z ), ( possibilities[z]:gsub("^%l", string.upper) ) ), 0xD) --Uppercase possibilities
z = z + 1
until ( z > #possibilities )