DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

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DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by codiddle » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:37 am

Updated several npcs, updated quests.lua - only changed CHASING_QUATAS to CHASING_QUOTAS
Updated the mob_spawn_points.sql to include the spawn point for the NM Sturmtiger
I tested script using Ceraulian.lua to read only a minute passing by rather than an entire day.

realday = tonumber(os.date("%M")); -- %M for next minute, %j for next

But I changed it back to be a day rather than a minute before I upload, haven't tested the entire day thing.
Tested, everything else. Worked flawlessly.
DRG AF2.zip
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Re: DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by codiddle » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:34 pm

I'd like to add that, according to what I read about the quest, it says 24 hours, but it could be as little as 12 hours. However, being as I'm a noob at lua, I don't know what has to be done to the date in order for it to have any kind of range. The only 2 ways I knew how to use the command were what was already listed by someone else, from a different quest (RDM AF feet quest). And that was Minute being %M and day being %j

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Re: DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by codiddle » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:36 pm

I guess you could pass a rand() into the function and make it random, but would that even work? Anyway, just some things I was thinking about.

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Re: DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:21 pm

Samurai AF quests have a LOT of "wait until JP midnight" segments, if that's necessary.

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Re: DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by azafaraht » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:07 pm

Found that if you finished the quest Pickpocket, you never enter into the Esca cutscene for CHASING QUOTA. Added one line and modified another (changes are in bold) so that I could continue with Chasing Quotas if Pickpocket had been completed. However, the quest still takes priority over The Pickpocket if both Quests are flagged.

function onTrigger(player,npc)

-- "The Pickpocket" Quest status
thePickpocket = player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA, THE_PICKPOCKET);
chasingQuota = player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA, CHASING_QUOTA);

-- "The Pickpocket" Quest Dialog
if (thePickpocket == 1 and player:getVar("thePickpocketGiltGlasses") == 1) then
elseif (thePickpocket == 1) then
elseif (thePickpocket == 2 and chasingQuota == 2) then
elseif(player:getVar("chasingQuotas_Event") == 6) then
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Re: DRG AF2 Drachen Brais Completed

Post by azafaraht » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:52 pm

Modified qm3.lua, added the player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,RANCHURIOMES_LEGACY); message. Otherwise, worked great. Got my DRG AF2 tonight. Thanks!
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