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Post by Calamity » Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:54 pm

Umm i suggest to overview Fafnir's TP Regain thing.
Here is solo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugU_1F-0Uaw
Probably lvl 99 THF solo Fafnir.
He kills him in 10 mins 30 sec ~
During the fight Faf used 18 - 19 TP moves and like 8 of 19 TP moves came in when faf got below 25% HP in last 3 mins of fight.
Means faf used 10-11 moves in first 7 minutes of the fight.
Take into account that THF was hitting him full time (feeded TP non stop).
99 THF/NIN gets Subtle Blow III from /NIN so he gets 15% TP reduction feed.
He used x2 Daggers with 176 Delay each. Since this THF obviously got more Haste judging by his equipment, i ll use 171 and 150 delay daggers on my THF but still wont hit as fast as this THF.
So what did i get:
1st: Faf already had Full TP and open fight with TP move wich is wrong. His Regain should kick in only when he engages in battle.
2nd: My fight lasted 55 seconds. In this time Faf used 3 TP moves. Betwin 1st (open Move) and 2nd TP move I hit him 5 times and got 3 hits from faf. 1st hit was opening TP move and other 2 normal melee hits.
If you compare to this THF, he landed 14 melee hits and 1 WS, and its been 33 sec since the begging of the fight before Faf used his first TP move.

Conclusion: Our Faf would pwn this THF in no time lol. Its Regain way too strong.
Our Faf using TP moves ~ each 25 sec or faster ? if you land more than 5 hits on THF with Subtle Blow II
On retail hes using them each 38 sec~ while above 25% HP and getting around 14 melee hits and 1 WS
Regain should be like 2tp/tic each 3 sec and like 5tp/tic when faf below 25% HP.
Faf should not use TP moves as soon he reach 100 TP. It should be random betwin 110~200 TP
Also its impossible to position yourelf like this THF did. Faf always turning around. And always hit you with dragon breath when you stand on the front paw tho he should not.

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Re: Fafnir

Post by Napolean » Mon May 13, 2013 3:33 pm


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Re: Fafnir

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Tue May 14, 2013 12:30 pm

The logic that we use for TP moves is something like this:

if tp >= 100 and and HP > 25% and random number between 0 and 99 is less than 25 (1 in 4 chance), use TP move
else if tp >= 100 and hp <= 25% use TP move
else if tp >= 300 use TP move

This logic is checked every 3 seconds, if I remember right.

Fafnir does not use a TP move as soon as he has 100 TP. He does 25% of the time, like everything else on Darkstar, unless we change it.

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Re: Fafnir

Post by kjLotus » Tue May 14, 2013 1:25 pm

PrBlahBlahtson wrote:The logic that we use for TP moves is something like this:

if tp >= 100 and and HP > 25% and random number between 0 and 99 is less than 25 (1 in 4 chance), use TP move
else if tp >= 100 and hp <= 25% use TP move
else if tp >= 300 use TP move

This logic is checked every 3 seconds, if I remember right.

Fafnir does not use a TP move as soon as he has 100 TP. He does 25% of the time, like everything else on Darkstar, unless we change it.
it's actually 40% chance if TP is between 100 and 299 and over 25% HP - and it's checked before every auto attack (so every weapon delay seconds, depending on mob).

which is, of course, horribly wrong

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Re: Fafnir

Post by Napolean » Tue May 14, 2013 5:44 pm

I was more bumping for the other things, He will turn and face up on players that are sitting on his paw, I.E. mages.. In retail he would just swing at them. Also he still needs his other 2 TP moves put in, Horror Roar and Absolute Terror.. The TP gain isn't really that big of a deal. But his random moving when he shouldn't is causing flails that shouldn't be happening. Also the spamming of wing/breath makes you work harder than you should, while annoying this really isn't a huge deal and he still would be easily killable if he wasn't randomly flailing when a blm pulls hate that is sitting on his paw.

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Re: Fafnir

Post by kjLotus » Tue May 14, 2013 6:09 pm

Napolean wrote:I was more bumping for the other things, He will turn and face up on players that are sitting on his paw, I.E. mages.. In retail he would just swing at them. Also he still needs his other 2 TP moves put in, Horror Roar and Absolute Terror.. The TP gain isn't really that big of a deal. But his random moving when he shouldn't is causing flails that shouldn't be happening. Also the spamming of wing/breath makes you work harder than you should, while annoying this really isn't a huge deal and he still would be easily killable if he wasn't randomly flailing when a blm pulls hate that is sitting on his paw.
it's not super easy to do. bluekirby tried to do it once before, and we ended up with all sorts of weird pathing bugs. i'm aware of it, it's just not that high of a priority to fix

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