Over the past week or so I have held a server vote for Darkstar vs Azure Sky. This was to determine where I would lay my knowledge into from then on. My scripting and c++ all in one. The vote closed today and Darkstar won which mean I will be around for a bit to help this project along where I can.
I will now be helping this project again to further it along as an open source free to all server that everyone can run as it should always be.
Bug reports will come in and I will be encouraging my players to post bug reports to be fixed and help fixing them myself. I will be signing up to the bug tracker as well to take on projects that I choose to be done and offering suggestions to them all where applicable. This is an exciting time for me and I hope we can all communicate together in a positive way for the sake of the server.
Though, I do run my own DS server which has my own alterations that are not retail, I will provide and offer anything I have that is 100% complete and bug free to the DS team. That code that I test with my community will not be submitted until it is fully tested. So if you have interest in my changes and want the code please PM me and if it is 100% I will submit it.
Thanks guys and gals, It's time now to push this server into the atmosphere.
Azure Sky vs Darkstar
Re: Azure Sky vs Darkstar
Good to have you on board worn. Or I guess I should say, welcome back.