The NIGHTBROOD server is a rebirth of sorts as it contains character data from two defunct servers: MHMU (75 cap server) and NIGHTBROOD version Alpha (a 99 cap server that we added the "Alpha" title on to avoid confusion). In it's current state, NIGHTBROOD is a fully functional private FFXI server, but it does require some additional adjustments and testing to provide players with an exceptional experience. Whether you are an MHMU or NIGHTBROOD vAlpha veteran or new player, we welcome you to join us as we enter into this BETA phase.
LVL Cap: 75.
All areas up to WoTG accessible.
Player Run Speed: 2.5x retail.
All jobs have Widescan from level 1.
All mobs that can drop gil will drop a little more than what you're used to

Healing Ticks: Slightly faster than retail.
HNM timed and spawnable
Sneak/Invisible 10x retail duration.
No Dyna wait timer
No Midnight/3-5 day wait time for AF/Relic
Explorer Moogle to/from Starting Cities, Selbina, Mhaura
Dual-boxing allowed! Only 1 alt.
Quested/Mythic Weaponskills Unlocked at Required Skill Level.
Nation Missions: Up to Rank 6. Rank 10 Sandy Confirmed
All ZM and COP Missions
COP Level Cap removed
Can own 5 DM earrings and all 3 CoP rings
ToAU Mission: Up to Mission 13 - The Black Coffin - Up to but not including BCNM
WoTG Missions: Up to Mission 3 [To be confirmed]
XP/Fame/Skill Ups
XP Rate: 5x retail
XP Loss: Same as retail
Fame Rate: 10x retail
Skill ups rate: 10x retail (Will be reduced over time)
Skill up Cap: Raised to .9
Crafting Skill ups Proc: 5x retail. (Will be reduced over time)
Crafting Skill up Cap: Raised to .7
Crafting day/direction/moonphase: Does not affect crafting.
Can earn up to 99 Mertis. No need to go back to spend them if you grind it out.
3x FoV/GoV Tab Rate
5x FoV/GoV Exp Rate
Stat Bonuses:
20% Weapon Skill Potency
20% Increase to Magic and Item Potency
Starting Gear/Buffs/Freebies
All maps unlocked
All Outpost Warps unlocked
80 Mog Safe/Mog Bag/Mog Storage/etc Inventory Space
1,000,000 gil ONLY FOR MAIN CHARACTERS. Server Xfers do not count toward this.- PM or /tell a GM to get it.
Chocobo Shirt and Destrier Beret
Treat Staff II
Nexus Cape
Auction House
NB will buy back your items listed for sale if it is below NB's price. (Currently disabled pending review)
Other items will be added depending on population needs/requests.
Speaking with airship/boat timekeeper NPCs at the docks will teleport you to your destination for all connections. If it does not, please open a bug report.
Metalworks: Since the elevators are broken, speaking with Helmut (old man downstairs from the elevators) will teleport you up top and speaking with Izabele (female outside of Cid's workshop) will teleport you down.
Relic weapons have increased modifiers and increased Aftermath duration to 30/60/90 for 1k/2k/3k TP.
Got a relic and want to try a mythic? What if you tried it and wanted your relic back? Swap back and forth! Limited to once a week!
Other Changes/Special items
Learn how to get an Iridal/Chatoyant Staff/Fotia Gorget/Hachirin-no-obi here.
Salvage/Einherjar/Assault/Nyzul/VNM gear - Obtainable! Find out more once you apply!
Convert merits to zeni!
Non-Rare/EX items returned to popular NMs