for following this guide. You are responsible for your own actions when updating your Raspberry Pi. I take no responsibility and/or liability. Please also give credit to Limbomaniac as he had posted the original install guide for the Raspberry Pi 3 on Raspbian and I grabbed what I thought could be used to update a server on the Raspberry Pi 3. I will not be responding to any replies and/or messages (do not send any messages as they will get deleted immediately without reply) for help and/or problems. I am still a "noob" to linux. You will have to figure out any issues/problems on your own or ask someone in these forums for help.
If you feel that your not comfortable with trying it on your main Raspberry Pi server, try another memory card and insert it in the Pi and reinstall the OS and game server and wait till there are updates to the stable branch. KUDOS TO SOMEONE WHO CAN MAKE A SINGLE FILE THAT WILL EXECUTE THE UPDATE COMMANDS TO UPDATE THE SERVER AND ALSO PRESERVING ZONE SETTTINGS AND ACCOUNTS/CHARACTERS!!!! At the time this guide was made, my server was already up-to-date but i continued on so this guide could be made.
From desktop, go to /darkstar/ and highlight the /darkstar/ folder and then right click the the folder to brimg out a drop down
menu and then select Term. Then type:
Code: Select all
sudo su
Code: Select all
cd /darkstar/
git pull (After typing in git pull and it says "Already up-to-date", DO NOT CONTINUE PAST THIS POINT AS YOUR SERVER IS ALREADY UP-TO-
DATE. My server was already up-to-date and did not need to be updated but i continued on so I could make this guide)
git checkout stable (to make sure your folder is the stable branch)
./configure LIBS='-lm'
make -j2 (if it is up to date, then it will say "Nothing to be done for "all". If there were new updates, then it will have to compile the new
updates and that will take about 30 minutes to an hour)
Code: Select all
cd sql
for f in *.sql
echo -n "Importing $f into the database..."
mysql dspdb -u darkstar -ppassword < $f && echo "Success"
Now, you will have to redo your zone_settings.
Code: Select all
mysql -u darkstar -ppassword
USE dspdb;
UPDATE zone_settings SET zoneip = '';
Code: Select all
cd ..
cd conf
nano login_darkstar.conf
mysql_login: darkstar
mysql_password: password
nano map_darkstar.conf
mysql_login: darkstar
mysql_password: password
nano search_server.conf
mysql_login: darkstar
mysql_password: password
cd ..
Code: Select all
3x sudo su
3x cd /darkstar/
./dsconnect in Terminal 1
./dsgame in Terminal 2
./dssearch in Terminal 3
that will preserve the accounts and/or characters, then please feel free to post a full update guide in this post and add in your update in the correct area so others with Raspberry Pi's can follow this post. I cannot guarantee that it will work on previous and future Raspberry Pi's and/or the Raspbian OS (which is what i currently use). You take any and all responsibility
for following this guide. You are responsible for your own actions when updating your Raspberry Pi. I take no responsibility and/or liability. You are responsible for your own actions while using this update guide. This is what I have done and it worked for me on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+.