Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on more

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Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on more

Post by ethril » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:01 pm

EDIT: Forgot to ask the question: What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

I got a test server on my own ip up and messing around to see if everything was alright, made one of my characters a GM to look at different things...
Currently using: The Darkstar r1994 - just updated to that with the DSP Server updater
What pretty much works: black magic, white magic, AH good, Weapons, MH, Missions (just the first windurst one so far)
What doesn't work at all: Any type of armor - I can't buy it at shops, I can't spawn it with gm commands, the item slot where armor is, is just empty. There are prices at shops, but even if I have enough money I can't buy the invisible item slot armor. Don't even know what it is unless its rare and I try to throw it away when the game asks me if I'm sure I want to throw the rare item away.

Testing an invisible weapon while I'm writing this... I tried to see the damage by turning on Show Player > enemy damage. The game crashed when I attacked... didn't expect that...

Odd things that happen: When I'm in a fight, the message "You do not have access to support jobs yet" constantly spams every few seconds.

I've tried reloading the item-armor sql file, I just deleted all the server files and reinstalled it, having the same problem.

The main problem is the armor though, what am I doing wrong, most everything works except a few oddities. Only, the armor is a major thing,t he game needs armor!

I clearly tried to give myself a Robe (item id 12600), but got an invisible Bond Cape that cannot be equipped instead.

Armor is in the shop, but its invisible and can't be bought.

Just to prove that shops are working other than armor shops, here is a weapon shop, things can be bought and used without a problem.

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Re: Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on m

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:32 am

I hate to be a downer, but R1994 (current) and unable to duplicate. Make sure all your tables are populated properly for the armor issue.

The "N" instead of commas makes me wonder if there's some client issues on your install that need to be addressed, unless that's some fancy SE work-around. Might try doing another error check via POL and see what comes up.

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Re: Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on m

Post by diatanato » Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:15 am

update your ffxi client

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Re: Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on m

Post by ethril » Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:55 pm

Thanks! It worked. Didn't think of it being a client problem...

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Re: Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on m

Post by Balboapark2000 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:24 pm

Having the same issue. I tried to update the client and got the MXI.exe has stopped working error when attacking or casting a spell:(

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Re: Came here with an invisible armor problem, stumbled on m

Post by bluekirby0 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:18 pm

Considering there have been hundreds of revisions since this was posted, its not related. Start a new topic.

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