After you find the codes that display your event ID's, you can talk to other npc's and you'll see that their current event ID is shown. You can do this in retail FFXI to get things that are missing in Darkstar Project.

Demonstration here:
To find NPC appearance values without digging into dats or whatever, just search for the npc's name. You'll find one or more addresses, but once you get to doing this right, you'll know which one is right. Anyway when you find the address, open in memory viewer and on the same line as the name, go 4 bytes from the right and five lines down. That is the start of the npc's appearance.
For example if you search for Domenic in Lower Jeuno, you'll see that Domenic's value comes out to be 040000100420043011401150006000700000
Which translates out to this for the npc_list.sql
Demonstration here:
Now I hope that helps somebody. I don't know of any standalone program currently that can display this info, but maybe someone can turn this info into a program that automatically watches for event id's and lets you search for npc appearance..