Ability Values

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Ability Values

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:12 am

A few notes, beforehand.
- I tried to use AltanaViewer to verify abilities I didn't know for certain to be correct, however I believe AltanaViewer has Warding Circle and Ancient Circle reversed. I erred towards caution.
- A question mark after a name indicates that I'm uncertain, as I've either never seen the ability, or it's not clearly labeled in AltanaViewer.
- Unknown indicates just that; I have no idea.
- I quit shortly after 85 cap was released, so I don't recognize a lot of the newer stuff. :)
- Yes, some of my descriptions suck
- Values start to loop around starting at 256. Not sure if that's a server overflow, or client.
- If you want to check any out via a GM character, I recommend modding DNC. The shared recasts don't work yet, so you can spam through 2hr, sambas, waltzes, and jigs without a target. TP is not checked.

Without further adieu...

Code: Select all

Animation ID	 Result
0					Berserk
1					Defender
2					Aggressor
3					Provoke
4					Focus
5					Dodge
6					Chakra
7					Boost
8					Counterstance
9					Flee
10					Hide (Camouflage?)
11					Sentinel
12					Last Resort
13					Charm
14					Gauge
15					Tame
16					Unknown, rising cubes
17					Sneak Attack
18					Invincible
19					Blood Weapon
20					Souleater
21					Scavenge
22					Sharpshot
23					Barrage, without firing
24					Third Eye
25					Meditate
26					Unused?  Yellow hand, blue waves
27					Unused?  Spooky
28					Warcry
29					Holy Circle
30					Arcane Circle
31					Ancient Circle
32					Warding Circle
33					Mighty Strikes
34					Hundred Fists
35					Benediction
36					Manafont
37					Chainspell
38					Perfect Dodge
39					Familiar
40					Soul Voice
41					Barrage Archery
42					Barrage Archery
43					Barrage Archery
44					Barrage Archery
45					Barrage Archery
46					Barrage Archery
47					Barrage Archery
48					Barrage Archery
49					Barrage Archery
50					Barrage Archery
51					Barrage Archery
52					Barrage Archery
53					Barrage Archery
54					Barrage Marksman
55					Barrage Marksman
56					Barrage Marksman
57					Barrage Marksman
58					Barrage Marksman
59					Barrage Marksman
60					Barrage Marksman
61					Barrage Marksman
62					Barrage Marksman
63					Barrage Marksman
64					Barrage Marksman
65					Barrage Marksman
66					Barrage Marksman
67					Barrage Gun
68					Barrage Gun
69					Barrage Gun
70					Barrage Gun
71					Barrage Gun
72					Barrage Gun
73					Barrage Gun
74					Barrage Gun
75					Barrage Gun
76					Barrage Gun
77					Barrage Gun
78					Barrage Gun
79					Barrage Gun
80					Elemental Seal
81					Divine Seal
82					Trick Attack
83					BST/PUP commands
84					Reward - 1
85					Reward - 2
86					Cover
87					Snarl
88					Convert
89					Unused? Flee+shiny
90					Unlimited Shot
91					Rampart
92					Chi Blast
93					Mijin Gakure
94					Pet Command
95					Astral Flow
96					Meikyo Shisui
97					Spirit Surge
98					Fighter's Roll
99					Monk's Roll
100					Healer's Roll
101					Gallant's Roll
102					Warlock's Roll
103					Rogue's Roll
104					Drachen Roll
105					Chaos Roll
106					Beast Roll
107					Choral Roll
108					Hunter's Roll
109					Samurai Roll
110					Ninja Roll
111					Wizard's Roll
112					Evoker's Roll
113					Magus's Roll
114					Corsair's Roll
115					Puppet Roll
116					Double-Up
117					Unknown Roll
118					Unknown Roll
119					Unknown Roll
120					Barrage Marksman
121					Blitzer's Roll
122					Unknown Roll
123					Light Shot
124					Dark Shot
125					Fire Shot
126					Ice Shot
127					Wind Shot
128					Earth Shot
129					Thunder Shot
130					Water Shot
131					Random Deal
132					Wild Card 1
133					Wild Card 2
134					Wild Card 3
135					Wild Card 4
136					Wild Card 5
137					Wild Card 6
138					Unknown Roll
139					Unknown Roll
140					Chain Affinity
141					Burst Affinity
142					Azure Lore
143					Overdrive
144					Dark Seal
145					Diabolic Eye
146					Feral Howl
147					Killer Instinct
148					Fealty
149					Chivalry
150					Stealth Shot
151					Flashy Shot
152					Shikikoyo
153					Deep Breathing
154					Warrior's Charge
155					Mantra
156					Formless Strikes
157					Martyr
158					Devotion
159					Feint
160					Assassin's Charge
161					Nightingale
162					Troubadour
163					Hasso
164					Seigan
165					Convergence?
166					Diffusion?
167					Dancer's Roll?
168					Scholar's Roll?
169					Role Reversal?
170					Similar to 169
171					Addendum White?
172					Penury?
173					Celerity?
174					Rapture?
175					Accession?
176					Addendum Black?
177					Parsimony?
178					Alacrity?
179					Ebullience?
180					Manifestation?
181					Animated Flourish
182					Reverse Flourish
183					Unknown, Blue hands
184					Trance?
185					Retaliation?
186					Not EES, Velocity Shot?
187					Blue+purple ripples outward
188					Not Shadowbind
189					Sublimation?
190					Tabula Rasa?
191					Light Arts?
192					Dark Arts?
193					Red rings, player darkens a moment
194					Pianissimo?
195					Possibly Retaliation?
196					Not Spirit Link
197					Footwork?
198					Unused, shadowy
199					Sekkanoki?
200					Sange?
201					Elemental Siphon
202					No motion at all
203					Mumor Dances
204					Mumor Dances
205					Mumor Dances
206					Mumor Dances
207					Saber Dance
208					Fan Dance
209					No Foot Rise?
210					Altruism? (sch)
211					Tranquility? (sch)
212					Focalization? (sch)
213					Equanimity? (sch)
214					Enlightenment?
215					Composure
216					Afflatus Solace?
217					Afflatus Misery?
218					Yonin
219					Innin
220					Accomplice?
221					Restraint?
222					Manawall?
223					white hands, flash
224					SCH White
225					SCH Black
226					Red+gold rings
227					Blue bubbles to MH
228					Gold orbits
229					DNC flourish-ish, blue
230					DNC flourish-ish, pink to blue
231					Libra
232					Dark and menacing
233					Blue wave, gold ring, screen shake
234					Purple of above
235					Red of above
236					Blue+Green of above
237					Dark ground, white glow
238					2 pairs of 3 gold rings
239					Blueish backdrop
240					Redish backdrop
241					Blue+gold reverse flourish-ish
242					3 red bubbles to MH
243					Unknown, flourish-ish
244					SCH, white
245					SCH, black
246					Delay, green rings
247					Yellow rays, regen ring
248					Yellow waves
249					Yellow waves, but different
250					Black vortex+barrier
251					Pink bubble
252					Black energy orb, green body aura
253					White hands, barrier, MNK?
254					Yellow hand, then self orb
255					Yellow hands and self aura
On missing motions, such as Jumps, Dancer abilities, bashes, etc: I get a feeling these are accessed in a manner that's completely different from regular job abilities. Either that, or they're stored at some deep, almost arbitrary value that Darkstar isn't set up to access. But that's my uneducated guess :)

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Re: Ability Values

Post by whasf » Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:51 am

Thank you!
-- Whasf

Posts: 707
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:11 am

Re: Ability Values

Post by bluekirby0 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:24 am

Thanks, this has been added to the wiki at http://kile.dyndns.info:8765/index.php? ... mation_IDs

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